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Horse based


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The value of horses in international top events is often tens of millions of yuan, and some are even "priceless". The vehicles transporting these babies are naturally unambiguous. Although their internal structure is not complex, due to many requirements and high standards, such vehicles are generally expensive, and the price is more than several million yuan

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The official definition of carriage is given in the book: Carriage refers to a van type special transport vehicle equipped with special devices, with ventilation device, anti-skid floor and container for feeding horse feed in the carriage, which is used to transport horses

Carriage generally has the following classification methods: according to the walking mode, it can be divided into self-propelled type and towed type; According to the purpose, it can be divided into sojourn type and horse carrying type; According to the nature of horses, they can be divided into ordinary horse transport vehicles and horse racing transport vehicles

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Specifically, the self-propelled carriage has its own power, and its appearance is similar to the van transport vehicle. The trailer carriage does not have power and needs to be towed by other vehicles. It has the structure of center axle trailer and semi-trailer. The horse carrying type refers to the carriage used to meet the requirements of transporting horses. The sojourn type refers to the carriage equipped with living and living facilities for grooms and other personnel in addition to meeting the above requirements

Generally speaking, the carriage is refitted based on the chassis of automobile or trailer, which is composed of chassis, car body and special devices. The interior of the compartment includes stable warehouse, material warehouse, special storage box for harness equipment, groom working channel, drinking water system, ventilation system, etc. more professionally, it is also equipped with rider dressing room, emergency medical equipment warehouse, etc

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As mentioned above, carriage is divided into ordinary class and horse racing class. The ordinary carriage pays attention to efficiency and convenience. It is only equipped with stable warehouse, material warehouse and necessary water and ventilation system. It can load 4-8 horses at least and 9-12 horses at most. In contrast, horse racing transporters are more comfortable and professional, showing the purpose of "horse oriented"

The stables of horse racing transport vehicles are spacious and comfortable, and there are both direct load and oblique load. However, in order to ensure that horses are "not carsick" in the process of transportation, direct load is the majority

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In the direct load type, three horses are arranged in a row side by side, most of which are arranged in 2-3 rows. The working channel of the groom is reserved in front of the row, and the horses are separated by a horse lattice wrapped with thick sponge. In the event of heavyweight events, the number of horses transported by bicycle will be less. For example, the vehicles responsible for transporting horses in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games can carry up to 9 horses, but only 6 horses were loaded at that time

The back door or side door of the carriage is equipped with a door plate that can be turned into a slope. When the horses are loaded directly, the side door is set to get on and off the horses, and when the horses are loaded obliquely, the back door is set to get on and off the horses. When the door panel is opened, the horses can enter the carriage leisurely along the slope. In order to prevent them from slipping, anti-skid relief strips are generally set on the slope. On both sides of the carriage, there are portholes for horses to "see the scenery"

After the horses got on the bus, they were about to leave. The transportation of horse racing in large-scale events is generally divided into two parts. BMW need to take a plane when they come to the stadium from their hometown. Although they take a "bus" from the airport to the stadium, they can't be wronged. The speed is too fast or too slow. Therefore, horse racing transport vehicles are equipped with special equipment such as electronic speed monitoring system and centrifugal force sensor to ensure that the driver can maintain a safe speed in different sections and corners. It is understood that the speed of carriage on the general road is 40km / h, the speed is 60-70km, and the turning point is reduced to 20km

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The car is equipped with air conditioning, and the most suitable living temperature for horses is 21-23 ℃; The driver can observe the horses at any time through closed-circuit television, and the stables are also equipped with groom seats to take care of the horses

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In order to provide a comfortable environment for horses during driving, in addition to strictly controlling the speed, the vehicle is also equipped with an anti vibration system to reduce the bumpiness of the vehicle. The chassis of the carriage has been specially modified to match the suspension anti-seismic system with shock-absorbing airbags. The thickness of the carriage floor is more than 25mm, covered with special rubber pads and protective soft bags. These advanced equipment is to ensure that the horse race can arrive at the track smoothly and safely